Sport Massage Manipulation on Wemove Futsal Bekasi Club Players


  • Dindin Abidin Universitas Islam 45
  • Aji Margetri Alhafizh Alhafizh Universitas Negeri Semarang


Comfort, futsal, sport massage


This study aimed to determine how much influence sports massage manipulation has before and after training on Wemove Futsal Club Bekasi players. This type of research is an experiment with a quantitative descriptive approach. The research design uses pre and post-tests before and after training with sports massage manipulation techniques in the face-down and prone positions. The study population was 25 Wemove Futsal Bekasi Club Players. The sample of this study was 20 people who were divided into two groups, namely group A and Group B. The data were collected by questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out by quantitative descriptive analysis using paired t-tests. The results showed that Manipulation of sports massage before and after training affected the body in Wemove Futsal Bekasi Club players with a t value in group A -0.051 < t table -2.262 with a significant value of  0.001 < 0.05 and in group B t count -5.259 < t table -2.262 with a significant value of 0.001 < 0.05.


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How to Cite

Abidin, D., & Alhafizh, A. M. A. (2023). Sport Massage Manipulation on Wemove Futsal Bekasi Club Players. Proceeding Sabajaya Publisher, 1(2), 77–82. Retrieved from