Principal Leadership Strategy, Improving Academic QualityAbstract
Education at the upper secondary level is the initial foundation in a process of the life of students where this is a serious matter in the management of educational institutions at the vocational level. Therefore, an education at the vocational level requires a competitive leadership quality in being able to build a new strategy in improving the quality, where if we observe the quality of the vocational high school in the Karawang district in particular, it really needs freshness in an education management process, where every educational institution needs a leader. which can improve the quality of academic quality. So here a school leader must have a strategy in managing his institution, so this researcher aims to find out the extent to which school leadership strategies have been carried out in improving the quality of academic quality in Karawang. The research methodology that will be used is qualitative descriptive. The research was carried out on the leadership of the SMK 1 Karawang school, with the research time from March to December 2016. While in the preparation of this study the authors took field research where to obtain accurate and objective data, the researchers came directly to the research location, namely in the Karawang regency.
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